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PM responds to simmering Middle East tensions

PM responds to simmering Middle East tensions

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has released a brief statement following the recent Iranian missile attack on US, Australian and coalition forces in Baghdad as tensions reach a potential flash point.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has released a brief statement following the recent Iranian missile attack on US, Australian and coalition forces in Baghdad as tensions reach a potential flash point.

US Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Jonathan Hoffman confirmed the launch of "more than a dozen" ballistic missiles against US military and coalition forces based in Iraq. 

The missiles are confirmed to have been launched from within Iran and targeted at least two Iraqi military bases hosting US and coalition personnel at Al-Asad and Irbil. 


The Iranian Revolutionary Guard spokesperson has allegedly taken credit for the rocket attack, which is seen as retaliation for the US drone strike that resulted in the death of Quds Force commander, General Qassem Soleimani. 

"We are warning all American allies, who gave their bases to its terrorist army, that any territory that is the starting point of aggressive acts against Iran will be targeted," the Iranian Revolutionary Guard said in a statement.

In response, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has moved to reassure Australians that the government is "closely monitoring the unfolding events in Iraq".

The Prime Minister's statement said, "The Prime Minister, Chief of the Defence Force and Ministers for Defence and Foreign Affairs are in frequent contact."

"The Prime Minister has directed the Chief of the Defence Force to take whatever actions are necessary to protect and defend our ADF and diplomatic personnel and keep Australians safe," the Prime Minister's statement added. 

Finally, the Prime Minister advised he has consulted with the Opposition Leader to brief him on the situation and confirm that "the National Security Committee of the cabinet has been meeting to review this situation and take decisions as necessary since Saturday".