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Defence Connect Budget Lunch unveiled

Defence Connect Budget Lunch

Defence Connect has today announced the launch of a new annual industry networking event, the Budget Lunch, to be held in Canberra on 13 October 2020.

Defence Connect has today announced the launch of a new annual industry networking event, the Budget Lunch, to be held in Canberra on 13 October 2020.

The initiative, supported by principal partner Northrop Grumman, will connect the sector at a time of increased expenditure in defence capability following the launch of the government’s 2020 Defence Strategic Update, framed within the context of the annual federal budget.

The lunch will include senior speakers from both sides of the aisle, offering each the opportunity to articulate or debate the finer points of the federal budget and contest it in live Q&A sessions.


All four minsters connected to the defence portfolio have been confirmed for the lunch, including:

• Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence
• Richard Marles, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and shadow minister for defence
• Melissa Price, Minister for Defence Industry
• Matt Keogh, shadow minister for defence industry

A range of other senior defence and industry leaders will also be in attendance at the lunch.

According to William Magee, head of strategy – defence and aerospace at Momentum Media, the business behind Defence Connect, the federal budget, delivered in early October, will give greater insight into spending priorities over the coming period.

“The Defence Connect Budget Lunch will offer industry the opportunity to engage directly with the Ministers charged with delivering the government’s increased defence spending programs and shaping our national security infrastructure,” he said.

“All four ministers have confirmed their attendance and look forward meeting with industry to discuss and challenge the outcomes of the federal budget plus expectations on how it will flow through industry.”

Chris Deeble, chief executive of Northrop Grumman Australia, said the company was proud to back the Defence Connect Budget Lunch 2020.

“Northrop Grumman is deeply committed to building Australian defence industry capability through partnerships and collaboration. We look forward to engaging with the ADF, industry and government at the inaugural Defence Connect Budget Lunch 2020,” he said.

Magee said that Defence Connect was seeking a balance between thought-provoking discussion and debate, matched with an upbeat and dynamic tempo at the lunch – with each of the ministers giving a sharp, focused address followed by a Q&A session with their opposing shadow minister.

“Our first session will include Linda Reynolds CSC, Minister for Defence, and Richard Marles, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and shadow minister for defence – both long-term advocates for strengthening defence capability and securing national interests,” he said.

According to Magee, their session will be titled ‘Defence strategy and budget prioritisation to support a stronger, more capable ADF and defence establishment’.

“Our lunch guests will gain exclusive insights from these ministers into the release of the federal budget and balancing budget priorities to support the ongoing development of Australia’s defence capabilities, direction and focus. Each minister will share a five-minute overview and budget wrap, followed by a moderated Q&A, plus questions from the audience,” he said.

The second session will include Melissa Price, Minister for Defence Industry, and Matt Keogh, shadow minister for defence industry.

Titled ‘Strengthening defence industry through driving support and growth of Australian capability’, this discussion is firmly focused on the industry’s participation in the delivery of defence spending.

“Assessing and interpreting the federal budget, the ministers will share their outlook and focus for supporting the growth of the industry to deliver Australian capabilities and Australian industry content. They will each share a budget wrap up and response, followed by a moderated Q&A, plus questions from the audience,” Magee said.

While commentary, insights and analysis from the ministers will be a central feature of the Defence Connect Budget Lunch, Magee said it was also the perfect time for the industry to emerge from isolation to reconnect and engage.

“We’re keeping a close eye on COVID-19 restrictions regarding hosting events; however, we aim to deliver this lunch in person, allowing the industry to network after a period of lockdown,” he added.

“With most major defence events now postponed until next year, this lunch will support the re-engagement of networking – which is, and always has been, critical to the way the business of defence is conducted.

“We’ve listened to the defence community and we make this commitment to support the industry by holding the event while strictly following the guidelines of the health authorities regarding COVID-19 and delivering a COVID-safe environment when we host it in October.”

Magee said that numbers for the lunch will be restricted as a result of COVID, and for those hoping to secure a table at the lunch they will need to move quickly – with a waitlist created on a first-come, first-served basis.

“Numbers at the lunch will limited, however we’ll ensure the whole of industry is engaged,” Magee said.

“For those that miss out on tickets at the in-person event – or are restricted from attending – the event will be broadcast live, allowing defence businesses across the nation the opportunity to host their own boardroom lunches from their own offices or another location.

“For our international colleagues in Europe, the US and Asia-Pacific, they will also be able to watch live – irrespective of geographic boundaries.”

This is a first for Defence Connect, and an initiative that will quickly become a key event on the annual calendar for the defence sector, Magee said.

“While the formal ministerial sessions will be on-point, fluid and insightful they will also be engaging, fun and entertaining. What a great opportunity to get the industry back together, engaged, connected and continuing its great work supporting a stronger, more secure Australia.”

For full details on the Defence Connect Budget Lunch, click here.