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Pompeo calls out heavy-handed Hong Kong government

Pompeo calls out heavy-handed Hong Kong government

The US Secretary of State has condemned the Hong Kong government’s use of the courts for the “political persecution” of pro-democracy advocates.

The US Secretary of State has condemned the Hong Kong government’s use of the courts for the “political persecution” of pro-democracy advocates.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has criticised the Beijing-backed Hong Kong government’s latest efforts to silence pro-democracy protestors, after the regime jailed Jimmy Lai, founder and chairman of media company Next Digital.

Lai was among 10 others accused of colluding with a foreign nation and violating the state’s national security laws.


This came just days after Hong Kong courts handed down a 13-month prison sentence to former secretary general of Demosistō (a pro-democracy political organisation), Joshua Wong, who was accused of leading an illegal protest along with his colleagues Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam, who have also been jailed for 10 months and seven months, respectively.

“The United States is appalled by the Hong Kong government’s political persecution of Hong Kong’s courageous pro-democracy advocates,” Secretary Pompeo said.

“The use of courts to silence peaceful dissent is a hallmark of authoritarian regimes and underscores once again that the Chinese Communist Party’s greatest fear is the free speech and free thinking of its own people.

“Hong Kong historically benefited from a free and open system that celebrated the peaceful advocacy of citizens like Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Ivan Lam, and Jimmy Lai.”

Secretary Pompeo said the people of Hong Kong should be free to exercise the rights guaranteed to them under the Basic Law, the Sino-British Joint Declaration (a UN-registered treaty), and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

He went on to commend the pro-democracy advocates for their defiance of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) interference in the political affairs of the semi-autonomous region.

“Their struggle to resist the CCP’s denial of their fundamental rights will stand throughout history as a testament to the human spirit,” Secretary Pompeo added.

“The United States will continue to work with our allies and partners around the world to champion the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong and all those who suffer under the CCP’s repressive rule.

“We stand with Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow, Ivan Lam, Jimmy Lai, the people of Hong Kong, and all the people of China.”

[Related: US defies China, approves $600m arms sale to Taiwan]

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