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OAIC awards cyber contract to archTIS

OAIC awards cyber contract to archTIS

ArchTIS has been tasked with bolstering the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s cyber infrastructure.

ArchTIS has been tasked with bolstering the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s cyber infrastructure.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has awarded a 12-month contract to cyber security firm archTIS, initially valued at $44,412.

The OAIC has agreed to onboard archTIS’ Kojensi SaaS platform, designed to support sharing of sensitive and classified information for both government and industry, in a bid to mitigate cyber threats.


According to archTIS, Kojensi’s attribute-based access control (ABAC) and sharing policies provide “more complete and effective control” over information. 

The firm said the OAIC agreement would validate its longer-term strategy to develop a more predictable annual recurring/higher-margin revenue model across a more diversified customer base. 

“As part of its remit, the OAIC conducts activities that require the sharing of sensitive and classified information with other agencies and industry,” Daniel Lai, archTIS CEO, said.

“Because Kojensi is accredited by the Attorney General's department for use with both government and industry, it is an attractive value-for-money solution for the OAIC.

“The contract also confirms archTIS’ strategy of supporting clients with their growing information and cyber security needs via the active management of electronic materials being transferred between external and counterpart organisations.” 

[Related: archTIS appoints new global COO]

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