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New Zealand supplier selected for ADF combat rations

New Zealand’s Prepack Ltd has been engaged to supply combat rations for Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel in a new contract worth more than $200 million.

New Zealand’s Prepack Ltd has been engaged to supply combat rations for Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel in a new contract worth more than $200 million.

The Kiwi company will provide approximately 400,000 combat ration packs (CRP) per year over the next eight years for Australian troops to use overseas, during exercises, or on domestic operations, according to the announcement made by the ADF on 1 March.

Head Land Systems, Major General Andrew Bottrell, who made the announcement, said there will also be a Universal Ration Pack that offers a gluten-free, dairy-free, and nut-free option for cadets and potentially civilians.


“Defence is committed to encouraging inclusivity and diversity, and these new combat rations support the varied cultural and religious needs of our modern defence force,” Major General Bottrell said.

“When deployed or on exercise, our personnel are generally living in austere and high-stress environments while undertaking significant physical activity. These new ration packs play a vital role in maintaining the dietary requirements and morale of the deployed force.

“The Australian Army Cadets have specially designed ration packs which include dairy, gluten and nut-free. These are known as Universal Ration Packs, as they may also be used to support the Australian community during disaster relief or humanitarian aid assistance.

“The growing range of innovative products in the Combat Ration Packs will support an advanced force for success on the battlefield.”

Prepack Ltd has more than 25 years of experience in supplying meals to New Zealand and Australian military personnel, according to a public statement on their website.

The company collates ration packs across eight specialist menus and three configurations to meet military standards and also offers food products with an extended shelf life requiring no refrigeration.

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