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Australian and Korean pilots bond over aerobatic passion

Republic of Korea Air Force Black Eagles with the Royal Australian Air Force Roulettes fly in formation for a friendship flight at the Australian International Airshow, Avalon, Victoria.

Royal Australian Air Force aerobatic team pilots met and flew in a formation “friendship flight” with their Republic of Korea Air Force counterparts for the 2023 Australian International Airshow.

Royal Australian Air Force aerobatic team pilots met and flew in a formation “friendship flight” with their Republic of Korea Air Force counterparts for the 2023 Australian International Airshow.

The Roulettes’ team of six pilots flew in their Pilatus PC-12s, while the Black Eagles’ team of eight pilots took off in their T-50bs at the airshow held in Victoria.

Roulette One pilot, Squadron Leader Mark Keritz, from the central flying school at RAAF Base East, said he was in awe of the South Korean display team.


“I wouldn’t mind flying in a T-50B, especially being part of their display team,” he said.

“For the Roulettes, it was a great way to show mutual trust and respect between the display teams operating so close to each other with very different aircraft.”

South Korean aerobatic team Major Eun-ho Yang said for the pilots of both teams, the friendship flight was a chance to share their love of flying and learn from the experience of working with another Air Force aerobatic team.

“I saw very beautiful scenery in Australia — the beautiful ocean, cliff and hills,” he said.

“We have a different strategy and a different culture between South Korea and Australia.

“But my friend Mark is very kind; he communicates everything very well, so I didn’t find it difficult to fly together.”

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