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US is central to Australia’s strategic security, but what if they’re not available?
May 31 2023
Since the Battle of the Coral Sea, the US has been the foundation of Australia’s defence posture, providing, as former defence minister Kim Beaz...
Kissinger on coexistence, Taiwan and the future of US-China relations
Many pray that the great power competition simmering away between the United States and China doesn’t boil over into open conflict, for contentious former secretary of...
May 30 2023
At 100, Kissinger sees the rhyming nature of history
Celebrating a century, one of America’s greatest strategists, Henry Kissinger, has spoken out about the rhyming flow of history, with the global competition between the...
May 29 2023
Forget transparent seas – What’s the plan to deal with crowded oceans?
Opinion: Eight Australian nuclear submarines operating sometime in the 2050s is a long way off. Even Australia operating its first Virginia Class submarine by 2033, all...
May 26 2023
Congress report highlights challenges of great power competition
With growing attention on the challenges posed by renewed great power competition between the United States and rivals like China and Russia, the Congressional Research...
May 25 2023
Beware the allure of rose-coloured glasses, warns former Aussie diplomat
India has been billed as one of our great strategic opportunities, benefactors, and hope in the face of the challenges of this newly multipolar world, however, for former...
May 24 2023
Power projection and long-range sea denial at the core of Beijing’s ambitions
With modernisation rapidly transforming the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLA-N), power projection, area denial, and long-range strike platforms and capabilities are...
May 19 2023
Congressional report into Chinese Navy reinforces major concerns
A US congressional report into the modernisation and expansion of China’s naval power has revealed major concerns about the future stability of the region and...
May 18 2023
The unique nature of our service
Opinion: The families of defence members wear no medals nor uniform — they stand unrecognisable, and unseen in the shadow of their loved one — yet the ripple...
May 17 2023
Industry makes renewed calls for expanded naval capabilities
Defence industry is rallying to hold government’s feet to the fire over its recognition that Navy requires more firepower and faster, two questions remain: will...
May 16 2023
The case for an Indo-Pacific Defence industrial base accelerator
Opinion: With a growing emphasis on bridging the gap between research and development and fielding of capability identified in the Defence Strategic Review, working with...
May 12 2023
Bolstering Japan’s defence industry, national security and opportunities for partnerships
Japan, like Australia, has recognised the growing challenges to regional security require a far more robust and targeted investment in defence industry and focus on national...
May 11 2023
Expanding our amphibious capabilities is great, but they have to be survivable
With Army being reshaped to emphasise long-range fires and flexible amphibious operations in the aftermath of the DSR, is the emphasis on lighter vehicles and smaller,...
May 10 2023
With another surface fleet review, what sort of fleet do we need?
One of the key announcements of the government’s DSR is that our surface fleet would be subject to yet another review into its force structure slated for release later...
May 09 2023
Does the DSR provide the policy mandate for Defence to really evolve?
Opinion: The Defence Strategic Review (DSR) is out, and I haven’t seen Defence’s acquisition process get mauled this badly since, well, the last review, writes...
May 08 2023
Australia, it’s time for ‘the talk’: Time to take ourselves seriously
Like any adolescent, there comes a point in time where our parents sit us down and have “the talk”. For Australia, that time has come, and rather than being a...
May 05 2023
If we are serious about long-range strike, why didn’t we opt for B-21s?
With the government continuing to emphasise long-range strike as its preferred method of implementing its doctrine of “impactful projection”, why then has Air Force...
May 04 2023
Growing Australian industry involvement in the supply chain
Opinion: Building Australia’s industrial capability to support and deliver next-generation defence capabilities is an essential step towards building and enhancing national...
May 02 2023
The Anzac biscuit — a mixed bag of new ideas and old assumptions
Opinion: The public version of the government response to the Defence Strategic Review report provides clarity and many innovative new ideas, although set in a continuing...
April 28 2023
Rallying the nation’s resources to deliver a whole-of-nation response
At the core of the Defence Strategic Review is the recognition that it takes a nation to defend a nation, with reinvigorated emphasis placed on mobilising Australia in a...
April 27 2023