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Learning lessons from Ukraine: Mass still critical to success
October 12 2023
The devastating conflict in Ukraine is rapidly emerging as a form of proving ground for the new technologies, platforms, and doctrines of the 21st cen...
Be prepared, be vigilant: Early lessons from Hamas’ ambush
It goes without saying that Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israel will go down in history as one of the greatest intelligence failures in history, with important...
October 11 2023
Hamas murderers’ plans won’t play out as they hope
Opinion: Hamas terrorists entered Israel on Saturday with two goals: to kill as many Israelis as possible and to abduct large numbers to be used as hostages, human shields,...
October 10 2023
Analysis reveals startling ship numbers, timeline for China’s naval expansion
It is no secret that Beijing has been embarking on the largest peacetime modernisation and expansion of its military capabilities, with new analysis revealing the...
October 09 2023
‘Focused Force’ v ‘Balanced Force’? The question is, are we getting the mix right?
The Albanese government’s Defence Strategic Review heralded a shift away from the structure of a “Balanced Force” towards a “Focused Force”,...
October 06 2023
International defence industry cooperation in a time of wars
Opinion: Wars are afoot. There is a very real war underway in Europe while in the Indo-Pacific, an imagined future war between China and the US worries many. In response,...
October 05 2023
Is the US really a ‘dysfunctional’ superpower?
Amid mounting economic struggles, domestic political division, and waning influence of the global stage, many have begun to consider the United States as a...
October 04 2023
Indian Navy seeks to add third carrier to expand power projection capacity
Asia’s other rising power, India, is rapidly accelerating its capacity to project long-range power and sea control to counter a myriad of challenges to their national...
October 03 2023
‘Bad news outweighs the good’ – Global disorder fast becoming the new norm
The era of disorder is upon us, the post-Second World War order is fraying, and our “long holiday from history” is now over as Australia and the world settle into...
September 28 2023
Where is the urgency? Surface fleet review delay only leaves us more vulnerable
Revelations that the government’s response to the findings of its own surface fleet review is still some time off, ultimately spells trouble for Australia’s...
September 27 2023
Half an insurance policy? AUKUS SSNs more about post-Taiwan than anything else
While much has been made about the “offensive’ nature of Australia’s future nuclear-powered submarine fleet as a form of national insurance policy, it is...
September 26 2023
Same, same but different? Learning lessons from similar ‘Middle Powers’
The true strength of contemporary “Middle Powers” is in their aggregated mass. However, every now and then, one outlier sets fire to the rule book and embarks on...
September 25 2023
‘Australianising’ industry policy to deliver national resilience and security
For Australian policymakers, the attractiveness of simply transplanting tried-and-true methods from overseas in an attempt to re-industrialise fails to account for one key...
September 22 2023
Does Australia need to embrace industrial policy, and what makes a good one?
The very idea of “industrial policy” is a contentious one in contemporary policy circles, with fears of “central planning” often rearing their head....
September 21 2023
America’s ‘lacklustre’ Ukrainian response is a symptom of longer standing issues
Despite committing more than US$100 billion (AU$155.5 billion) in aid to Ukraine, the materiel response of the United States has raised questions about the capacity of the...
September 20 2023
The game is afoot: China’s pitch to developing world ‘backed’ by UN secretary-general
We are now well and truly living in the dawn of the age of the multipolar world of competing designs and ambitions for the global stage – with Xi Jinping’s China...
September 18 2023
In focus: The Echidna Strategy and Australia’s pursuit of peace and power
Australia’s modern history has been defined by our national pursuit of peace, power, and stability in our isolated part of the world, often deferring to great powers....
September 15 2023
Time isn’t on our side – Accelerating our response to China
Both Washington and Canberra have long sought to avoid making hard and costly decisions about responding to China’s rising antagonism. Now, it might cost us more as...
September 14 2023
Hedging our bets? Concerns mount about Modi’s ‘new’ India
With China’s antagonism rising, the Western world has sought to hedge against the worst instincts of the rising superpower with India emerging as the favoured option....
September 13 2023
Mutually assured destruction: War over Taiwan would decimate both economies
The concept of mutually assured destruction (MAD) has long been associated with great power competition and nuclear conflagration. Now, thanks to globalisation, we have...
September 12 2023