Army Innovation – Novel Weapons and Novel Effect
The Department of Defence (Defence) via the Defence Innovation Hub is seeking proposed innovations that will help shape Army’s approach to the challenges of novel weapons and novel effects in a combined arms team in a joint environment (Innovation Theme).
Defence will conduct an initial assessment of submissions in accordance with the Call for Submissions Special Notice (CFS) Terms (the Terms) and will select up to 30 respondents to display, exhibit and demonstrate their proposed innovation at Army Innovation Day 2017 (AID17). See below and the Terms for more information about AID17. Following AID17, Defence will conduct a final assessment of the submission in accordance with the Terms, taking into account information gathered at AID17, and may invite one or more respondents to participate in a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
If a proposal is successful in the RFP process, Defence will invite the successful respondent(s) to negotiate or execute an Innovation Contract. This Innovation Contract will be for the conduct of user trials and evaluations in relation to the proposed innovation, in Australian Army units within 12 months of AID17.