Defence Ipswich 2019 Supply Chain Opportunities Symposium
Ipswich City Council is proud to announce a stellar line-up of speakers participating in its signature defence event the Defence Ipswich 2019 Supply Chain Opportunities Symposium on Friday 8 November 2019.
“Through this initiative, council aims bring defence and industry together to connect and discuss project opportunities, share insights contributing to upskilling and networking with key decision-makers in government, industry and academia” said Tamanna Monem, Ipswich City Council’s lead contact for defence industry development.
Promoted worldwide, notable international delegates will be travelling to the City of Ipswich to take part in the event.
Industry experts presenting at the symposium include:
- Lee Davis (Rheinmetall Defence Australia)
- Chris Hess (Lockheed Martin Australia)
- David Peckham (Thales Group)
- Nigel Everingham (NIOA - Firearms, Optics, Ammunition and Accessories)
The Australian Industry & Defence Network Queensland (AIDN-QLD) advised that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) were attracted to attend the event to receive insights into project opportunities. In addition, SMEs have expressed interest in participating in the ‘speed dating’ style B2B session, a unique inaugural event in the region.
Registered attendees will meet one-on-one with defence contractors, suppliers and key players in the defence supply chain - an opportunity not to be missed.