Defence Seaworthiness Symposium
Wednesday 20 November 2019
ADFA, Canberra
The Office of the Defence Seaworthiness Regulator is hosting the inaugural Defence Seaworthiness Symposium in Canberra 21-22 November 2019.
The theme of the symposium is ‘Reforming to Transform - Seaworthiness as a Defence wide priority’.
Day 1 will consist of an address from the Defence Seaworthiness Authority VADM Michael Noonan and presentations from Capability Managers and their representatives as well as an informative panel discussion.
Day 2 will consist of 2 concurrent workshops facilitated by staff from the Office of the Defence Seaworthiness Regulator. Workshop 1 will focus on Defence Flag Administration requirements, Workshop 2 will focus on evolving a compliance strategy. Places are strictly limited.