
Meet the Minister - Minister for Defence Industry - Hon Steven Ciobo MP

Date: Thursday 25 October 2018
Location: Kedron-Wavell Services Club, QLD

AIDN QLD (Australian Industry & Defence Network) is proud to host an industry breakfast, Meet the Minister.

With the latest federal cabinet reshuffle, the Defence Industry now has a new Minister for the Defence Industry, Minister Steven Ciobo.

This industry breakfast will feature Minister Ciobo as our key speaker and give attendees an insight into our new Minister for the Defence Industry and Minister Ciobo’s future plans for the industry. Attendees will also have the ability to submit questions to the Minister via their Eventbrite ticket order for the Q&A segment of the industry breakfast.

Join us on the 26th of October 2018 at the Kedron Wavell Services Club at 7am to participate in this fantastic opportunity.