
NSM Safety Briefing Perth

Date: Sunday 24 November 2019
Location: AMC Jakovich Function Centre, WA

Naval Ship Management are delighted to invite you to a powerful and compelling Health and Safety presentation with Louise Taggart and Garry Claxton. Together, their experiences remind us why workplace safety is so important and how a focus on training and raising awareness can help not only to reduce injury, but more importantly save lives.

About the guest speakers:

  • Louise Taggart, an internationally recognised Workplace Safety speaker will share her brothers’ story, who died from a workplace accident. Michael, an experienced electrician, died on 4 August 2005 as the result of an electrical incident at work. Louise outlines what went wrong and the inquiry findings, but most importantly the impact it has had on Michael’s friends and family.
  • Garry Claxton, Special Counsel and Senior Law Lecturer from Fides Safety Management, will take us through the legal side of the WHSE Act and possible repercussions if we do not ensure a Duty of Care through demonstrated Safe Working Practices.
Event website: