
Research Network for Undersea Decision Superiority: Roadmap Workshop

Date: Thursday 15 February 2018
Location: University of Technology, Sydney

Help contribute to the research agenda & investment plan for a new Research Network
Defence Science and Technology Group, as part of the Future Submarine Program Science and Technology Plan, is seeking to establish a long term research initiative to build world class research capabilities and capacities in Australian partner universities and leverage the significant skills, expertise, networks and infrastructure of Australia’s research base for sovereign benefit.

This initiative, the Research Network for Undersea Decision Superiority (the ‘Network’), focuses on the human element and will provide a mechanism to fund and oversee research projects that lead to improved decision making in the context of military operations in future submarines.

Enabling submariners to make the best decisions possible in a low information environment has been identified as an area of focus for research for improving future capability. As part of the process of setting up this Network, a research capability and capacity building exercise is being undertaken to facilitate the establishment of a consensus on long term needs and opportunities, as well as clear outcomes to guide the investment of resources.

Information sessions on the Network, followed by formal facilitated workshops, will be undertaken in February 2018 around the country to establish research themes leading to the desired capability. The Sydney workshop will occur on 16 February 2018.

We invite interested defence personnel, defence industry participants and academics from the 32 Australian Universities that are party to the Defence Science Partnering Deed to participate in a half day workshop to contribute to the development of the long term capability and capacity building research plan for the Network, and gain an understanding of the exciting long term research opportunities available in defence.

A wide range of scientific disciplines have the ability to contribute to providing solutions, ranging from exercise physiologists, ergonomists, workplace psychologists, nutritionists and biomedical scientists to integration engineers, human factors researchers and others.

This event is free to attend, however, numbers are limited so please ensure you register to attend this event. Moring tea and lunch will be provided.

Please contact the Network Project Director, Sharon Humphris ([email protected]) if you have any questions.