Two independent leads have been appointed by the Australian federal government to undertake a Defence estate audit on baseline estate and infrastructure.
Former Defence Housing Australia managing director Jan Mason and Infrastructure Victoria Board chair Jim Miller will conduct the enterprise-wide audit and present their recommendations by the end of this year for consideration.
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said the government is committed to ensuring the Defence estate is best structured to support the force posture, force generation, and preparedness for challenging strategic circumstances.
“Jan Mason and Jim Miller bring the unique blend of skills and experience needed to this audit to ensure our Defence estate meets our strategic circumstances,” he said.
“The leads were set an ambitious but necessary task and timeline by the Defence Strategic Review, but I am confident they can deliver this important piece of work.
“Now is the time to ensure the Defence estate meets Australia’s future security needs and allows effective, long-term management and sustainment, in line with the recommendations of the Defence Strategic Review.”
The audit will consider whether Defence estate meets operational and capability requirements, in particular, investment in Australia’s northern network of bases, ports, and barracks in response to the Defence Strategic Review released earlier this year.
“The Defence estate is the Commonwealth’s largest land holding with a footprint of more than 2.8 million hectares,” said Assistant Minister for Defence Matt Thistlethwaite.
“Maintaining such a large and diverse estate requires investment decisions based on where they will make the greatest contribution to Defence capabilities.
“The audit will assist in accelerating the planning and delivery of infrastructure, including greater use of innovative methods for investment.”