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PODCAST: A robust relationship with plenty to offer both, with representative Douglas Hsu, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office

In this special episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, host Steve Kuper speaks with Taiwan’s most senior representative, Douglas Hsu, to discuss the bilateral relationship and opportunities, and the China question.

In this special episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, host Steve Kuper speaks with Taiwan’s most senior representative, Douglas Hsu, to discuss the bilateral relationship and opportunities, and the China question.

The pair discuss a range of topics affecting the future of both Australia and Taiwan and the future of security in the Indo-Pacific region, including:

  • The economic and industrial lessons learned by Taiwan throughout its rapid industrialisation and how they can help to shape Australia’s own industrial development.
  • The island democracy’s growing concerns for its security and how the bilateral relationship with Australia is helping to prepare the nation in the event of the unthinkable.
  • The future opportunities, risks, and state of preparedness in the nation amid mounting provocations by the People’s Republic of China.

Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team

Listen to previous episodes of the Defence Connect podcast:

Episode 465: CONTESTED GROUND: Irregular operations in Afghanistan and grey zone warfare in the APAC region, with MAJGEN (Ret’d) Gus McLachlan
Episode 464: PODCAST: Demystifying deterrence and its role in Australia’s future, with the National Institute for Deterrence Studies
Episode 463: SPOTLIGHT: Self-reliance in the Australian tech ecosystem, with Atturra’s Noel Derwort
Episode 462: SPOTLIGHT: Data-driven decision making in Defence estate management, with Mel Evans and John Parisella
Episode 461: CONTESTED GROUND: Long-range strike, Iran v the GOP and warfighting in the EMS
Episode 460: PODCAST: The creation of a parallel global order
Episode 459: SPOTLIGHT: T&E in an era of rapid Defence modernisation, with Graeme Bick and Dr Keith Joiner
Episode 458: CONTESTED GROUND: UK riots, Australia’s terror threat, and policing speech
Episode 457: PODCAST: Setting the AUKUS record straight, with Dr Ross Babbage
Episode 456: PODCAST: Regional business and the defence supply chain, with Mandy Walker

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