On the back of the $730 million unveiling of Defence’s Next Generation Technologies Fund, Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) has announced a two-day event to discuss emerging threats and changes to the industry.
DSTG has teamed up with Australian company Noetic Group and the University of Technology Sydney for the Emerging and Disruptive Technology Assessment Symposium (EDTAS).
DSTG said the objective of EDTAS is to shape future defence research and prepare for emerging and disruptive trends in information, knowledge and digital disruption in a smart city environment, with the aim of understanding and shaping the long-term vision for defence and national security.
The research body said that as information technology continues to gain momentum, shaping and shifting the way people operate, this will mean a rapid change in the defence context, resulting in disruption.
DSTG said some of the questions they hope to address at the symposium in relation to IT are: how will the transformational impact of knowledge gained from these technologies change defence? How will future organisational and command structures operate with the agility and flexibility offered by digital technologies? And how will adversaries adopt and use such technologies?
According to DSTG, a key outcome for the symposium will be a big picture assessment report developed through the workshop contributions of all attendees.
DSTG hopes the symposium provides a number of opportunities for networking and partnering.
The symposium will be held at the Maritime Museum in Sydney on 10 and 11 April.
To register for the event, contact Noetic Group.