Brisbane-based EPE has announced the appointment of Scott Corrigan as director capability to build the company’s program of supporting Australia’s veteran community.
Focused on optimising the overall capability of the ADF and Australian security agencies to protect military personnel and the first responder community, Corrigan will lead on capability and client engagement with EPE’s key federal government clients, including Australian Defence Force, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Home Affairs and Border Force, and the primes.
Corrigan is a highly regarded senior executive with over 28 years of proven leadership and management experience in the design, development and implementation of solutions to address complex threat environments; capability and training development; and organisational risk challenges.
"I have spent my entire career developing and delivering capability to protect our personnel in harms way, and working for EPE offers the perfect mechanism to continue to deliver trusted force protection capability to the ADF, NZDF and other government agencies," Corrigan added.
Corrigan’s expertise is derived from key operational leadership, management and training appointments spanning 23 years in the Australian Army.
Most notably, his experience includes the development of specialist EOD, IED and CBRNE capability while Commander of the Special Operations Engineer Regiment/ Incident Response Regiment during the high operational tempo period 2009 to 2012; and key contributions to the Iraq and Afghanistan theatres of operation during attachment and deployment with the US Joint IED Defeat Organisation (JIEDDO) and the Australian Counter IED Task Force (2007-2009).
He then undertook three years as the specialist CBRNE adviser and capability developer within the UAE Presidential Guard (2013 to 2016); and followed this with a two-year appointment as the Director Counter Terrorism within the NSW Department of Justice – Office for Police, where he developed strong interstate and Commonwealth relationships for operational capability and policy development for terrorism crisis events.
EPE specialises in counter IED, EOD, ECM and CBRN defence; counter drone, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance technology; and also supports broader force protection, security and threat mitigation requirements. EPE is trusted to deliver complete capability to Defence, law enforcement, emergency services and other government agencies in the Asia-Pacific region including Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and Papua New Guinea.