
Defence expands COVID quarantine compliance support

Defence expands COVID quarantine compliance support

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds has confirmed that the Australian Defence Force is expanding its support to quarantine compliance efforts after the National Cabinet’s decision to raise incoming passenger caps.

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds has confirmed that the Australian Defence Force is expanding its support to quarantine compliance efforts after the National Cabinet’s decision to raise incoming passenger caps.

Additional ADF personnel will support quarantine arrangements following requests from NSW, Queensland and Western Australia.

Defence Minister Linda Reynolds said Defence remains committed to supporting state and territory COVID-19 responses based on operational need.

“The Morrison government is determined to ensure vulnerable Australians overseas can come home safely while protecting our communities. The hotel quarantine system has been an important part of preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, and Defence stands ready to support the states and territories as more Australians return home,” Minister Reynolds explained. 

There are currently around 2,800 ADF personnel deployed across Australia on Operation COVID-19 Assist. Exact ADF support numbers are determined in consultation with state and territory authorities to achieve the effect and tasks required.

Defence is supporting the whole-of-government response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the COVID-19 Taskforce.

Minister Reynolds added, “In addition to its operational commitments overseas, the ADF has now been providing continuous support to the states and territories since the bushfires began in September 2019, and is preparing for another high-risk weather season. We are proud to support the communities in which we live.”

Defence has established a COVID-19 Taskforce led by Lieutenant General John Frewen DSC AM. In a unique arrangement, LTGEN Frewen has two deputies: a Defence civilian and an ADF member – First Assistant Secretary Megan Lees, Deputy Commander Policy and Communications, and Major General Paul Kenny, DSC DSM, Deputy Commander Military Effects.

The Taskforce has been established to coordinate Defence’s contribution to the whole-of-government response, ensure departmental resilience and that we are well prepared to continue to defend Australia and its interests.

Defence’s assistance to the whole-of-government pandemic response has been extensive. Defence’s assistance has included supporting the repatriation of Australians from overseas, reconnaissance, planning and contact tracing teams, medical assistance in north-west Tasmania, supporting mandatory quarantine arrangements, and supporting state and territory police border controls.

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