One of DMTC’s newest programs, Medical Countermeasures (MCM), is quickly being identified as a key capability to protect both the military and the public from chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) threats, as well as pandemics and emerging infectious diseases.
Funded by CSIRO and DST Group through the next Generation Technologies Fund, DMTC is seeking to harness Australia's capabilities to develop leading-edge, advanced technologies and to direct and deploy skills into activities that support Australian defence, health and national security outcomes.
In this episode of the Defence Connect podcast, DMTC’s Medical Countermeasures Program Leader, Felicia Pradera, joins host Phil Tarrant to discuss the threat of CBR in the modern world and the development of relevant technologies to address Australia’ national preparedness strategy, with necessary application to civil and military domains as well as the need to develop domestic in-country Medical Countermeasures capabilities.
As the only program that brings together the key national stakeholders with representation from the federal Departments of Defence and Health, the CSIRO, the Medical Technology and Pharmaceutical Growth Centre and the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security, Pradera provides a fascinating look inside the program and the necessity of the development of the MCM capability.
Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team