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New generation of RAN officers graduate from Naval College

New generation of RAN officers graduate from Naval College

The Royal Australian Navy has welcomed its newest junior officers after their graduation from the Royal Naval College at HMAS Creswell as part of New Entry Officer Course (NEOC) 61.

The Royal Australian Navy has welcomed its newest junior officers after their graduation from the Royal Naval College at HMAS Creswell as part of New Entry Officer Course (NEOC) 61.

The 134 Australian and five international graduates have marched proudly on to the Parade Ground, wearing the ceremonial uniforms of Australian Midshipmen, Sub Lieutenants and Lieutenants in front of family and friends. 

NEOC 61 rounds off an exceptionally busy year for the college with a record 297 Naval Officers graduating this year.

Commanding Officer of HMAS Creswell, Captain Warren Bairstow, said the training these latest graduates had faced would soon be tested as they become junior leaders throughout the fleet, joining Navy’s personnel.

“Over the past five months, the men and women of NEOC 61 have gone from being civilians and in some cases junior sailors, to young leaders ready to serve at sea as Naval Officers," CAPT Bairstow said.

“They have demonstrated to their instructors and to each other that they’re ready to take the next step, to accept the obligations and responsibilities that come with being a member of the lethal fighting force that is the Royal Australian Navy.

“Over their careers they will represent Australia on global operations and exercises and they will be responsible for protecting Australia and our national interests in a cutting-edge fleet."

Today’s graduates join a Navy workforce that is growing steadily, with more than 14,500 Navy members currently serving the nation.