Ceremonies have been held across Australia to welcome new recruits into all domains of the ADF.
The Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, and Royal Australian Air Force have formally welcomed new members at ceremonies across all Australian states and territories.
The recruits come from a range of backgrounds, including regional and remote locations such as Biloela in Queensland and the Goldfields-Esperance region of Western Australia.
“Each year, our ADF welcomes the next generation of leaders and these ceremonies are a significant milestone for these young people, representing the next step in their careers as their families watch on with pride,” Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester said.
Minister Chester added that those attending the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) would also be earning a degree while being paid to serve.
“Depending on their chosen Service and career, others will attend world-class training at the Royal Australian Naval College HMAS Creswell (Navy), Royal Military College Duntroon (Army) or the Officer’s Training School at RAAF Base East Sale (Air Force).
“If you can think of a job you’d like to do, it’s highly likely there’s an opportunity to do that job while serving in the ADF.”
[Related: Defence streamlines employment assistance process for ADF partners]