
DoD invests $5m into elmTEK simulation technology

elmTEK has been engaged by the Department of Defence for the delivery of human-in-the-loop simulation technology as part of JP 500 Phase 2. 

elmTEK has been engaged by the Department of Defence for the delivery of human-in-the-loop simulation technology as part of JP 500 Phase 2. 

Valued at $5 million, the investment is designed to improve outcomes for troops in combat situations by creating a synthetic combat environment for operators using emulated military equipment and collecting data on their responses. 

According to elmTEK, not only does this enable operators to test equipment but also optimise tactical and countermeasure approaches.

The simulator is a 270-degree immersive dome with audio and visual effects to stimulate operators, which will then track operator eye movement, behaviours, and use of weapons. 

“We want to measure and assess true behaviours, so operators must be absolutely convinced of the scene realism and be ‘immersed’ in the scenarios,” Bjorn Wharff, director of strategy at elmTEK, said. 

“When the operator pulls the trigger on a weapon, they need to feel the right resistance and experience an immediate response. If there’s even a 10-millisecond delay in sound, feel or sight when the trigger is pulled, the operator can notice and start to change their behaviour, either consciously or subconsciously.

“Latency and correlation are critical things to get right to ensure the experience is compelling, so that we can get the most insight from the data.”

The company explained that the offering was strengthened by the recent merger between elmTEK and Consilium Technology. 

“The scene generator that is driving the visual experience for operators is Infinite Studio, a Consilium product. We are also exploring how their AI can be used to deliver high order insights in the areas of operator and system effectiveness for this and future projects of this nature,” he continued. 

“Through Infinite Studio, we get cutting-edge visuals and graphics, best-of-breed creation tools, multi-spectral rendering and real-time performance. The result is world-leading real-time simulation.”

The Human-in-the-Loop facility development is led by DST’s Sensors and Effectors Division (SED) in conjunction with the Joint Survivability and Tactics Validation Unit (JSTVU). The primary goal for SED and JSTVU is human interaction with threat systems and Electronic Warfare effectors.


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