Colonel Boni Aruma has been appointed Deputy Commander of 3rd Brigade-Australian Army, in the highest command position given to a member of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force.
Colonel Boni Aruma, who served in the PNG army for more than two decades and acted as Royal Pacific Island Regiments company commander, was promoted to the role with the Townsville-based 3rd Brigade at the Army Museum North Queensland.
Colonel Aruma, a Distinguished Military Service Medal recipient, has previously graduated Royal Military College in 1999, Australian Command and Staff College in 2016 and earned master’s degrees in international relations and defence studies from Deakin and Australian National University.
“I’m looking forward to absorbing as much as I can and hopefully bestow my own knowledge to the 3rd Brigade, in particular the mindset of improvisation on the go,” he said.
“Both countries share common interests, values, history, and it’s the human beings that drive these for our nations.
“I am grateful to have been offered this opportunity.”
Australian Army Lieutenant Colonel Brent Hughes experienced working with COL Aruma while posted to Papua New Guinea and shed light on COL Aruma’s leadership qualities.
“He is a smart guy, has a great heart, is very honest and trustworthy, these qualities breed friendship which is very important in that role.
“His knowledge of the region will aid in training for specific terrain types, and what will be of greatest importance is his leadership.”
Commander 3rd Brigade, Brigadier Dave McCammon, said the promotion is reflection of the strength between the Australian Defence Force and the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF).
“We have a relationship that has endured wars together, this promotion is a reflection of the strength between the PNGDF and ADF,” BRIG McCammon said.
“The ADF has previously embedded PNGDF Officers at varying ranks, the key difference with this appointment is the seniority and being in a position of command.
“Boni is involved in the day-to-day management of the 3rd Brigade, which is currently going through important changes, he will be integral in supporting this.”
PNGDF Colonel Siale Diro, Australian Defence Attaché at the Public High Commission in Canberra, attended the ceremony and reiterated the importance of the event.
“Boni’s promotion is a quantum leap, it sets a platform for how we must face oncoming challenges in our region together,” Colonel Diro said.
“The relationship between the Australian Army and Papua New Guinea Defence Force is strong, and it will always be strong.”