
Mobile Logistics for Navy

royal australian navy logistics
Commonwealth of Australia

Anzac frigates HMAS Ballarat and Warramunga are the first two ships in the Fleet to take delivery of mobile devices set to modernise and streamline stores processes.

Anzac frigates HMAS Ballarat and Warramunga are the first two ships in the Fleet to take delivery of mobile devices set to modernise and streamline stores processes.

As part of the Ship’s Logistics Inventory Management System or SLIMS Mobile, logisticians use a handheld barcoding device to scan Defence inventory received through the supply chain into the on board SLIMS.
A full training suite for the devices and system has also been delivered to the Maritime Logistics School at HMAS Cerberus.
Initial feedback from the units has been excellent. Supply chain sailors report significant time savings in conducting business-as-usual activities such as receipting, issuing and stocktaking.
The new technology is a significant step forward for the management of on-board inventory items and brings Navy and the rest of Defence in line with commercial practices.
While Navy is the first service to gain the benefit of the barcoding technology, a land version will be delivered to all three services early in 2017.
It aims to deliver efficiencies to the workplace by reducing time required to conduct vitally important evolutions, such as stocktaking, with increased accuracy.
Another substantial benefit will be reduction in data entry errors caused by human factors.
An additional feature of the technology is it enables personnel to sign for issues electronically by scanning their identity cards. Combined with software upgrades, it will improve the management of delegated authorities while also reducing the amount of paperwork provided on issue.
The roll-out of devices to the remainder of the Fleet is being delivered by in conjunction with Chief Information Officer Group.