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Exercise La Perouse begins in Bay of Bengal

Exercise La Perouse begins in Bay of Bengal

Australia joins France, India, Japan and the US as part of Exercise La Perouse.

Australia joins France, India, Japan and the US as part of Exercise La Perouse.

The Royal Australian Navy has confirmed that it will undergo joint training in the Indian Ocean, alongside France, India, Japan and the US as part of Exercise La Perouse.

The RAN provided HMA Ships Anzac and Sirius for the exercise, which was conducted between 5 and 7 of April in the Bay of Bengal.


Minister for Defence Peter Dutton noted that the exercise was important to maintain Australia’s relationships within the Indo-Pacific.

“This exercise will see an Australian frigate and auxiliary oiler conduct a range of activities, including officer-of-the-watch manoeuvres, replenishments at sea and flying operations,” Minister Dutton said.

“Exercise La Perouse will also demonstrate the complementary capability of our partner nations and highlight our shared commitment to a stable and secure Indo-Pacific.”

Rear Admiral Mark Hammond, Commander of the Australian Task Force, noted that the exercise was important training for those Australian sailors taking part.

“Exercising with other navies strengthens our collective mariner skills and re-affirms our commitment to maintaining robust working relationships with our partners in the region,” RADM Hammond said.

“By training together we learn from one another, and we look forward to showing our partner navies what skills we bring to Exercise La Perouse.”

[Related: Navy names NUSHIP Supply passageway]

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