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US approves possible F-16 systems sale to Taiwan
August 24 2023
The US State Department has approved the transfer of F-16 infrared search and track systems to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office ...
Mobilisation v activation: Planning for a whole-of-nation strategy to defend the nation
The government’s Defence Strategic Review highlighted the need for a “whole-of-government” approach to national defence, but in recognising this key factor,...
August 24 2023
Royal Thai Air Force hosts RAAF for bilateral fighter exercise
The Royal Thai Air Force will host six aircraft and more than 120 personnel from the Royal Australian Air Force for Exercise Thai Boomerang 23 in Thailand.
August 24 2023
Aerobond secures NSM manufacturing contract
South Australian-based Aerobond has signed a new contract to support the production and provision of launcher canisters for the Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile system, to be...
August 24 2023
US knuckles down on emerging biotechnology threats
The United States government is knuckling down on quick response to emerging bio-threats, according to a recently released Biodefense Posture Review and official commentary.
August 24 2023
Defence industry in ‘holding pattern’ on security clearance backlog
Questions have been raised about the speed and progress of mandatory security clearances being approved for sensitive defence contracts in Australia.
August 24 2023
Northrop engaged for retrofit of MQ-4C Triton UAS
Northrop Grumman has been engaged for the retrofit of two MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft systems and operating base by the US Department of Defense.
August 24 2023
Learning the historic lessons of deterrence by deception
Deterrence is classically separated into two categories, deterrence by denial and deterrence by punishment, however, deterrence by deception can provide an equally potent...
August 24 2023
HDT Global’s WOLF-X UGV features familiar 30mm armament
US engineering and defence design company HDT Global has displayed an armed “WOLF-X” unmanned ground vehicle at the 15th Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering...
August 23 2023
Commonwealth releases Australia’s first Veteran Transition Strategy
The strategy will support members of Australia’s veteran community and their families to transition to civilian life, as part of a joint initiative between Defence, the...
August 23 2023
BRICS Summit kicks off in South Africa sans Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin has defied expectations that he would appear in person at the 15th BRICS Summit held in South Africa.
August 23 2023
Exercise Malabar comes to a close
Supported by 2,000 personnel from Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, the 27th iteration of Exercise Malabar came to a close this week – marking the first...
August 23 2023
Aviation Museum opens aircraft event to honour Vietnam veterans
The Historical Aircraft Restoration Society Aviation Museum has paid tribute to the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.
August 23 2023
Ukrainian pilots could be trained in US if capacity reached, says Pentagon
The US government has confirmed Ukrainian pilots could be trained in America if capacity was reached at F-16 programs in Europe.
August 23 2023
China continues expanding influence, presence and power projection across the globe
It is no secret that Beijing has been actively building a global network of economic and military infrastructure, building influence and its presence as part of its march to...
August 23 2023
Royal Netherlands Air Force doubles order for MQ-9A Reaper drones
The Royal Netherlands Air Force has doubled its order of customised MQ-9A remotely piloted aircraft from General Atomics Aeronautical Systems.
August 23 2023
Skyborne secures first contract with US Department of Defense
Brisbane defence research and development company Skyborne Technologies has landed its first contract with the US Department of Defense.
August 23 2023
Thales Australia developing masterplan for Maritime Autonomy and SME Collaboration Precinct
Thales Australia has announced that the company is developing a masterplan to establish a Maritime Autonomy and SME Collaboration Precinct on the Newcastle foreshore to...
August 23 2023
DARPA awards BAE Systems contract to develop sensing, imaging and comms tech
The United States’ Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has awarded BAE Systems a $14 million contract to develop technology to enable advanced signal processing...
August 22 2023
ADF members deploy to Korea as part of Exercise Ulchi Freedom Shield
A total of 26 Australians have departed for the Republic of Korea as part of Exercise Ulchi Freedom Shield, enhancing the readiness of the Republic of Korea and United States...
August 22 2023