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Continuity of Australian submarine capability must be assured
September 20 2021
Former Royal Australian Navy officer Chris Skinner examines Australia’s new nuclear submarine program, comparing the program’s projected timeline...
Regional superpowers seize initiative in Afghanistan
Regional superpowers seize initiative in Afghanistan
The recent Taliban takeover in Afghanistan has provided a unique opportunity for regional superpowers to leverage the unfolding political chaos.
September 14 2021
 Australia’s strategic deja vu
Australia’s strategic deja vu
Global superpowers in decline and an unstable Indo-Pacific, we’ve seen it all before. Australia must look back into history to understand how we navigated this unique...
September 13 2021
Kongsberg hits LAND 19 Phase 7B milestone
Kongsberg hits LAND 19 Phase 7B milestone
The contractor has passed acceptance tests for the first two Fire Distribution Centres supporting Army’s next-generation surface-to-air missile systems.
September 07 2021
US military primacy in a post-Afghanistan world
US military primacy in a post-Afghanistan world
Following the United States’ disorderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, analysts have questioned the US’ ongoing military primacy and its commitment to traditional allies.
September 07 2021
Perspectives on ANZUS at 70
Perspectives on ANZUS at 70
Following the 70th anniversary of the ANZUS treaty, retired Naval officer Chris Skinner analyses whether the treaty is capable of tackling the technological and geo-economic...
September 06 2021
Increased complexity demands training to match
Increased complexity demands training to match
The Australian Army faces new readiness challenges as the pace of technology development and mission scope rapidly evolve, writes Neale Prescott, director business...
September 02 2021
The Northern Territory: Pivotal to the Quad
The Northern Territory: Pivotal to the Quad
The strategic importance of northern Australia in the nation’s defence will continue to grow amid a volatile Indo-Pacific and the re-emergence of the Quad, writes Guy...
August 18 2021
Networking Earth and orbit
Networking Earth and orbit
The Internet of Space Things will connect sensors and relay comms to create new industries while improving existing sectors, write Professor Alan Duffy, Space Technology...
August 16 2021
Why the Future Submarine Program needs a truly national supply chain
Why the Future Submarine Program needs a truly national supply chain
The Future Submarine Program is the biggest defence procurement in Australian history, and their construction must be a truly national endeavour, writes Naval Group Australia...
August 13 2021
Rallying behind Australia’s veteran community
Rallying behind Australia’s veteran community
Amid yet further lockdowns, there’s never been a more important time to support our veteran community. This Legacy Week, be sure to reach out and get behind your local...
August 09 2021
Industry Partners: We want to hear from you
Industry Partners: We want to hear from you
We invite you, our Industry partners to attend the 2021 Defence Seaworthiness Symposium. This year's theme is; "The Role of the Regulated Community"
August 04 2021
Delivering Australia's future frigates
Delivering Australia's future frigates
The Hunter Class Frigate program is making significant progress and drawing on lessons learned from past naval shipbuilding projects to establish strong foundations for...
August 04 2021
Creating a fairer defence industry for Australian SMEs
Creating a fairer defence industry for Australian SMEs
Let’s make sure that primes and Australian SMEs are able to work together to support Australia’s sovereign defence industry, writes Brent Clark, CEO of the Australian...
August 03 2021
Queensland’s space intelligence companies at the frontier
Queensland’s space intelligence companies at the frontier
Three Queensland space intelligence companies focused on the commercialisation of scientific research and development have created world first technology to place them at the...
August 01 2021
What to consider when selecting a high security solution
What to consider when selecting a high security solution
National High Security Manager for Gallagher, Phill Marr, explains what sites should consider when looking for a high security solution that will serve them now and in the...
July 28 2021
We cannot abandon our Afghan colleagues and comrades to the Taliban
We cannot abandon our Afghan colleagues and comrades to the Taliban
Afghan interpreters and contractors served side by side with Australian forces. Veteran and federal MP Luke Gosling OAM calls on the Commonwealth government to repay...
July 23 2021
Tasmania’s unique space advantage grows with HENSOLDT Australia
Tasmania’s unique space advantage grows with HENSOLDT Australia
Tasmania’s unique space advantage is the subject of a new partnership between the Tasmanian Government, the University of Tasmania (UTAS) and HENSOLDT Australia.
July 23 2021
Babcock Australasia delivering genuine maritime sovereign capability
Babcock Australasia delivering genuine maritime sovereign capability
A strong focus on forging partnerships with their customers and industry, Babcock establishes long term, sovereign capability for the decades of maritime sustainment ahead.
July 22 2021
Does Australia have a fighting chance?
Does Australia have a fighting chance?
Amid so much talk of war, the key national security question is: Can Australia win the next war? Senator for NSW and retired Major General Jim Molan, AO, DSC, analyses...
July 21 2021