The Commonwealth has released a raft of new approaches to market to continue building Australian defence capability, including looking for entities to provide maritime transport services and hosting a Land Environment Working Group.
The Commonwealth has updated its current approaches to market through AusTender for defence businesses, ensuring that industry can continue delivering essential defence capabilities.
Below, Defence Connect details those essential upcoming tenders:
Defence infrastructure panel: Closing 3 May 2024, the Commonwealth is sounding industry responses for a potential panel to support the delivery of capital facilities projects. Defence is expecting that considerable uplift will be required to Defence facilities following the release of the Defence Strategic Review, National Defence Strategy, and Integrated Investment Program. ATM ID: DIP Construction.
Armoured Fighting Vehicle Facilities Program Stage 2: Closing 7 May 2024, the Commonwealth is hosting a market-sounding process for persons or entities interested in supporting the delivery of EST0400PH2/3-2 – Armoured Fighting Vehicles Facilities Program (AFVFP) – Stage 2. It covers all three works packages, including: Gaza Ridge Barracks in Victoria, Gallipoli Barracks in Queensland, and Lavarack Barracks in Queensland. ATM ID: AFVFP Stage 2 MS.
Defence Establishment Orchard Hills building refurbishments: Closing 9 May 2024, the Department of Defence is seeking the refurbishment of several N buildings within the Defence Establishment Orchard Hills base. It includes the renewal and replacement of ageing plant items across buildings including offices, warehouses, and testing facilities. It is also expected to span the redecoration of several buildings. ATM ID: EST08297.
Security services and equipment panel: Closing 10 May 2024, the Department of Home Affairs, in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), is looking to establish a panel of individuals and organisations as security service providers for the provision of security services and equipment. It covers: professional services, SCEC consultants, acoustic consultants, construction security services, building services, specialist security services, threat reporting, electronic countermeasure systems, security technology systems and more. ATM ID: HOMEAFFAIRS/2086/RFT.
AUKUS Electronic Warfare Innovation Challenge: Closing 14 May 2024, the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator is requesting proposals for their inaugural challenge on how Defence can harness the electromagnetic spectrum to project force against adversaries and counter their ability to target AUKUS partners. ATM ID: ASCA-AUKUS01-2024.
Base Services Transformation Program: Closing 7 June 2024, Defence is notifying industry of an upcoming open tender release for the Base Services Contract Centre package, under the Base Services Transformation Program. The request for tender for the contract is scheduled to be released in May or early June. Defence is open to fielding questions or suggestions on the program. ATM ID: NOT/SEG/BSTP/2024/1B.
Standing offer for maritime transport services: Closing 11 June 2024, Defence is looking to form a panel of entities who can supply or source vessels of different sizes to facilitate passenger and cargo movements. They are expected to primarily be eastern Australia based, with small taskings between Australia and Papua New Guinea and on the west coast. ATM ID: RFT 31150.
Land Environment Working Group 2024: Closing 14 June 2024, Defence is looking to host a Land Environment Working Group to explore Australia’s future land capability requirements. It will deliver a forum for the Land Capability Division to outline and discuss plans for the domain. The group will be held on Wednesday, 10 July, at Hotel Realm in Canberra. ATM ID: LCD LEWG 2024.
Space surveillance: Closing 30 June 2024, the Defence Space Command is purchasing global commercial off-the-shelf space surveillance and tracking data as a minimum viable product to support space domain awareness. Defence has confirmed there will be multiple vendors for the procurements which will take place over short periods. Defence has told interested vendors to register at the Global Data Marketplace. ATM ID: DSPC_SSA_PWS_001/23.
Day procedure centre services, Department of Veterans’ Affairs: Closing 30 June 2024, the tender has been released to support the veteran and Defence community to have access to day procedure centre services. ATM ID: DPC-2017.
Preferred builders list: Closing 26 July 2024, Defence Housing Australia (DHA) is expanding the preferred builders list, inviting qualified upgrade builders and contractors to submit a response to a recent RO. It is hoped the list will support the growing needs of DHA across Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. ATM ID: DHA-PROC-71332.
PMSP Enhanced Aerial Surveillance Program: Closing 31 December 2024, industry has been invited to review Defence’s Pacific Maritime Security Program (PMSP), which includes tendering opportunities. ATM ID: PMSP-2022-0003.
Anticipated DSR works: Closing 28 February 2025, Defence is preparing for potential design services ahead of anticipated works detailed in the Defence Strategic Review. ATM ID: SEG-CFI-20230901A.