The Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC) New South Wales has welcomed its new chair, James Digges, to continue providing support and representation for Defence Force Reservists.
Digges has been a member of the DRSC since 2017, and Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester lauded his appointment.
"I congratulate Mr Digges on his appointment as chair. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise from the private sector to the role," Mr Chester said.
The DRSC is established to promote the benefits of Reserve service to employers and the community, and create an effective link between the community, employers, Reservists, the ADF, and all levels of government.
The mission of the DRSC is to establish and maintain a flexible and supportive partnership between Defence and the community, industry and employers to sustain and enhance the availability of the Reserve component of the ADF.
Digges succeeds Mark Todd, who served as the chair of DRSC NSW from 2012 through to 2018.
Digges said it's a privilege to be promoted to the position
"I am extremely excited to help Defence continue supporting Reservists to serve Australia when and where they are most needed," he said.
The executive also provides leadership and guidance to the DRSC National Council and to the state and territory councils.
"The Defence Reserves Support Council provides an important link between the Australian Defence Force, employers, industry groups and other peak bodies in the community from which Reservists are drawn," Minister Chester said.
The role of the National Council is to provide advice on the development of broad policies and supportive programs, and on matters affecting employers with Reserve availability and service. Individual council members are to promote the benefits of Reserve service within their own organisations and to bring specific issues that relate to this task to the council’s attention.
In particular, employer, government and industry group members are expected to work with their business colleagues/constituencies to encourage the adoption of Reserve supportive employer practices within the guidelines issued by DRSC.
With the support of the DRSC, along with employers and the community, the Reserve component is able to deliver effective capability in support of the nation and its interests.
More information about the support services provided by the DRSC to employers of Reservists is available here.