This Anzac Day, Soldier On Australia conducted an awareness and education campaign in honour of those Australians who returned from war 100 years ago, and to support the ongoing services that they continue to offer to veterans and their families.
In this episode of the Defence Connect Podcast, host Phil Tarrant is joined by Soldier On CEO Mat Jones, who discusses the campaign, his journey into the role that he is in today, and the programs that Soldier On is conducting to help defence personnel transition into life after service.
He will address the shift in dialogue in recent years away from the stigmatisation of mental health issues and the acceptance of mental health conditions as an “injury” like any other, reveal the types of roles that veterans are shifting into, and why he believes that one of the key concerns facing the sector is collaboration across companies, departments, and various stakeholders involved in the life after service transition process.
Enjoy the podcast,
The Defence Connect team
Listen to previous episodes of the Defence Connect podcast:
Episode 512: SPOTLIGHT: Engaging with Australia’s next-generation Defence STEM workforce, with DSTG’s Dr Carolyn Patteson and Dr Mike Wilson
Episode 511: CONTESTED GROUND: Picking up where we left off, 2025 shapes up to be a disruptive year
Episode 510: CONTESTED GROUND: Iran’s collapsing sphere of influence
Episode 509: DEFENCE PROPERTY PODCAST: Understanding the ever-changing landscape of regional property investment
Episode 508: PODCAST: A proud history of providing debate and connecting sailors, with Mark Schweikert, federal president, Navy League of Australia
Episode 507: SPOTLIGHT: GWEO – protecting Australian sovereignty, with Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control’s James Heading
Episode 506: CONTESTED GROUND: Ukraine’s freedom of manoeuvre in the information domain
Episode 505: SPOTLIGHT: AUKUS Pillar II – how technology sharing is strengthening our national security, with FAS Stephen Moore and Dr Nigel McGinty
Episode 504: PODCAST: Unleashing Australian know-how to grow military power fast, with John Storey, Institute of Public Affairs
Episode 503: CONTESTED GROUND: The intersection of national security and Australia’s declining economic performance