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Still work to do on autonomous maritime vessels
June 30 2022
A recent analysis has indicated that there’s still more work to do before autonomous vessels play a larger role in naval warfare, especially surroun...
Sanctions backfire, quite often
Sanctions backfire, quite often
The current round of sanctions imposed on Russia will facilitate an immense groundswell of Russian nationalism, prolonging the war in Ukraine and exacerbating the...
June 28 2022
Investigating Ukraine’s ‘National Resistance Center’
Investigating Ukraine’s ‘National Resistance Center’
Emblazoned with the tagline “Together we turn our enemies’ lives into hell!”, the educational website run by Ukraine’s special operations forces offers must-know tips...
June 23 2022
Energy security is national security
Energy security is national security
As energy prices increase, so do the costs of maintaining and equipping a military.
June 21 2022
Build the Astute Class in Osborne and Barrow for fastest delivery
Build the Astute Class in Osborne and Barrow for fastest delivery
Opinion: Amid the cries for an evolved Collins to fill Australia’s submarine gap, and a potential yet unexpected offer of Virginias with US Navy crews, the most attractive...
June 20 2022
Australia’s urgent need to develop its defence industry
Australia’s urgent need to develop its defence industry
Opinion: So now the election has been won and lost, it is time for the Albanese government to get on with delivering on the agenda that was taken to the Australian public,...
June 17 2022
Russia’s slowing invasion – is force structure to blame?
Russia’s slowing invasion – is force structure to blame?
Whether it was Russia’s slow advance (and speedy withdrawal) from Kiev, the loss of ground surrounding Kharkiv or the destruction of the Moskva cruiser – the recent...
June 15 2022
Preparing for urban operations
Preparing for urban operations
Without any significant combat experience since 1979, some analysts have cast doubt on the ability for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to conduct large-scale...
June 02 2022
How the invasion of Ukraine will challenge humanitarian norms
How the invasion of Ukraine will challenge humanitarian norms
Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine has sparked debate among military experts on the future of the responsibility to protect principle, and how R2P can be misused by...
May 30 2022
Neo-Eurasianism – placing Russia on a path of collision with the West
Neo-Eurasianism – placing Russia on a path of collision with the West
Fashioned by Russian political theorist Alexander Dugin, Neo-Eurasianism is a rabidly anti-liberal geostrategic ideology that seeks to turn Russia into a hegemon of the new...
May 26 2022
The character of the modern battlefield and role of the digital warrior
The character of the modern battlefield and role of the digital warrior
Opinion: Major General (Ret’d) Rupert Jones CBE analyses the degree to which technology has changed the way that we fight across battlefields from Ukraine to Mosul.
May 17 2022
Antarctica adrift: Australia’s southern blind spot
Antarctica adrift: Australia’s southern blind spot
Read Dr Elizabeth Buchanan’s remarks for the 2022 Sea Power Conference panel on maritime competition on Australia’s southern flank – Antarctica.
May 16 2022
Russia’s mistakes are China’s lessons
Russia’s mistakes are China’s lessons
The invasion of Ukraine has called Russia’s military technology and doctrine into question. What lessons will the Chinese People’s Liberation Army glean from the bungled...
May 06 2022
Navy unveils new Maritime Intelligence and Information Warfare School
Navy unveils new Maritime Intelligence and Information Warfare School
The school is designed to support the Royal Australian Navy’s capabilities in intelligence and information warfare, training the next generation of officers across...
April 29 2022
Loitering munitions, a game changer in Ukraine?
Loitering munitions, a game changer in Ukraine?
With over 800 kamikaze drones scheduled for delivery from the United States to Ukraine, will this capability be enough to give the Ukrainian military a competitive edge?
April 27 2022
Reframing the NT defence infrastructure challenge
Reframing the NT defence infrastructure challenge
Opinion: ASPI’s Dr John Coyne discusses the defence estate challenge in northern Australia, urging new thinking on how to approach key infrastructure management in the...
April 22 2022
Why Australia’s Defence Force needs a digital insurgency
Why Australia’s Defence Force needs a digital insurgency
Opinion: If the Australian Defence Force (ADF) is to keep pace with modern practices and digitally transform its operations, it will require an insurgency from within. It...
April 12 2022
Solving northern Australia’s defence infrastructure challenges
Solving northern Australia’s defence infrastructure challenges
Opinion: Delivering infrastructure projects in the north of Australia brings an array of well-recognised challenges into play across social, economic, geographical and...
April 11 2022
A reinvigorated NATO will help the US re-posture to the Asia-Pacific
A reinvigorated NATO will help the US re-posture to the Asia-Pacific
A recent analysis has contended that a renewed and confident NATO in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will enable the United States to re-posture to the...
April 05 2022
The story behind Xi Jinping
The story behind Xi Jinping
While growing up, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s father was arrested by the CCP, his family was harassed by Red Guards and he was even sent to live in a cave. What does...
March 31 2022