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Overcoming quantity with quality: Can the British military withstand troop cuts?
January 18 2022
Under the British government’s force structure plan, Downing Street has resolved to reduce the size of the British Army by 9,500 soldiers to 72,500....
Unmanned maritime vessels: Military gamechanger or expensive prototype?
Unmanned maritime vessels: Military gamechanger or expensive prototype?
Findings from the littoral combat ship (LCS) in the United States, a vessel that boasts a streamlined crew of 40 members, has demonstrated that reduced upkeep while at sea...
January 10 2022
Sweden launches Psychological Defence Agency, is it time for Australia to follow suit?
Sweden launches Psychological Defence Agency, is it time for Australia to follow suit?
Sweden this week launched the Psychological Defence Agency, aimed exclusively at identifying and combating foreign information campaigns. With the rise in exploitable...
January 07 2022
Xi, Putin laud Sino-Russian friendship in end of year conference – but will the love-in last?
Xi, Putin laud Sino-Russian friendship in end of year conference – but will the love-in last?
At a video conference in mid-December, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladmir Putin reiterated their common interests and reaffirmed the political...
January 06 2022
Deteriorating Croatian-Serbian relations, a flashpoint for NATO and Russia
Deteriorating Croatian-Serbian relations, a flashpoint for NATO and Russia
Major increases in Serbia’s military budget, supported by China and Russia, coupled with a war of words between the leaders of Croatia and Serbia have reignited the Balkans...
January 05 2022
Strengthening ties: The value of enhancing a Philippine-Australia strategic partnership
Strengthening ties: The value of enhancing a Philippine-Australia strategic partnership
As the Commonwealth government embarked on one of Australia’s largest and most ambitious naval capability upgrades since Federation following the creation of the AUKUS...
December 24 2021
Latest on the Joint Air Battle Management System
Latest on the Joint Air Battle Management System
In August, the Department of Defence shortlisted Lockheed Martin Australia and Northrop Grumman Australia as finalists for the AIR 6500 Phase I project, aimed at delivering...
December 23 2021
The decline of American naval superiority, the National Defense Authorization Act 2022 and the re-emergence of navalism
The decline of American naval superiority, the National Defense Authorization Act 2022 and the re-emergence of navalism
With an ageing fleet and quantitative disadvantage against potential adversaries, the US has ceded its long held naval superiority. Defence Connect analyses whether the...
December 09 2021
Lessons from Australia’s National Aircraft Pavement Maintenance Program
Lessons from Australia’s National Aircraft Pavement Maintenance Program
For more than a decade, Australia’s National Aircraft Pavement Maintenance (NAPM) Program has found increasingly efficient techniques for maintaining the average weighted...
December 08 2021
Russia’s private military footprint in Africa
Russia’s private military footprint in Africa
State-linked Russian private military contractors have spearheaded a new wave of kinetic, economic and information warfare across the developing world. How can the West...
November 22 2021
Exploiting the information vector, terrorism in 2021
Exploiting the information vector, terrorism in 2021
It’s not a shock. Terror groups have leveraged the information domain to craft political messaging, recruit members and psychologically deter their opposition. How can the...
November 10 2021
Preparing for war, virtually
Preparing for war, virtually
When the leaders of Australia, the UK, and the US announced the formation of the AUKUS partnership, one of their key messages was the need to focus on enhancing joint...
October 26 2021
So we’ve scrapped the Naval contract, now what?
So we’ve scrapped the Naval contract, now what?
The French designed Attack Class submarine program has been aborted but a new procurement disaster now looms, writes independent senator for South Australia Rex Patrick.
October 25 2021
Hop onboard the AI train
Hop onboard the AI train
Machine learning will not only underpin the future of cyber warfare, but will play an even larger role in target selection and influence the command-and-control continuum....
October 21 2021
Orca program
Opting into the Orca program: A stop-gap undersea warfare solution
With the construction of Australia's new nuclear-powered fleet expected to begin later within the decade, unmanned 'Orcas' can shore-up the Royal Australian Navy’s undersea...
October 19 2021
Information warfare, an immediate threat
Information warfare, an immediate threat
Australia must expedite cyber and AI technology sharing arrangements with the United States and United Kingdom to address the immediate threat of cyber-enabled grey zone...
October 06 2021
Supporting defence innovation with an Australian DARPA
Supporting defence innovation with an Australian DARPA
Establishing an Australian DARPA is an essential step to progress the critical link between Defence and defence industry, in turn fostering world-class technology for...
September 30 2021
Exploiting the post-Afghanistan chaos
Exploiting the post-Afghanistan chaos
Following their tumultuous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the US signalled its broad swathe of political and military vulnerabilities to the world. In an era of global...
September 29 2021
What does it all mean, and what can Australia do?
What does it all mean, and what can Australia do?
Senator for NSW and retired Major General Jim Molan analyses the new AUKUS partnership, and makes the case for Australia to develop a comprehensive national security strategy...
September 24 2021
Australia must prosecute the benefits of AUKUS to the Indo-Pacific
Australia must prosecute the benefits of AUKUS to the Indo-Pacific
Responses to the new AUKUS agreement differ across the region, from outright support through to worry about the increased militarisation of the Indo-Pacific. Australia must...
September 23 2021