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With the surface fleet review locked in, what about the rest of the Navy fleet?
February 27 2024
Our Navy is more than just our destroyers, frigates and OPVs, yet the recent surface fleet review has left some serious questions about the rest of th...
Highway to the danger zone? Surface fleet review concedes no ‘new capability’ before 2030 has major implications
The Albanese government has conceded that the Navy will receive no new capability before 2030, with a dip in the number of surface combatants over the near term. With the...
February 26 2024
Europe needs to do more for its own defence: US Republican senator warns
US Republican senator JD Vance has issued a warning to Europe’s leaders, urging them to pull up their socks and take greater responsibility for their own security,...
February 23 2024
Source: National Press Club of Australia
‘The country is so timid’: Former PM urges country to step up to the plate
No, hell hasn’t frozen over, nor have I bumped my head recently (at least not that I can remember), but I agree with former prime minister Paul Keating in his call for...
February 22 2024
Picking up the mantle: Molan Jr challenges government with calls for national security strategy
Erin Molan, veteran journalist and daughter of the late major general and senator for NSW, Jim Molan, has issued a challenge to both sides of Australian politics to take our...
February 21 2024
Surface fleet review: Urgency, distributed firepower and numbers key to delivering Aussie naval power
Naval power is now front and centre for the Albanese government, with an emphasis on urgency, distributed firepower, and numbers set to transform the Royal Australian Navy....
February 20 2024
Even America can’t have its cake and eat it
Since the end of the Cold War, the US has stood unopposed at the pinnacle of global power; however, as history has shown time and again, the sun must set on all...
February 19 2024
All signs point to conflict: Chinese risk factors reveal a bumpy future
While 2024 started with a bang (no pun intended), what can only be described as a year of global transition is well and truly upon us, with all signs pointing to further...
February 16 2024
What is in a name? Tier 2 surface combatants and the future of the RAN
Conjecture aside, there is an increasing expectation that the upcoming surface fleet review will formalise the need for a fleet of “smaller, more numerous” Tier 2...
February 15 2024
If we’re going to have an honest conversation with the Australian people, we can’t avoid the ‘C-word’
With much of the Australian public still far removed from the realities now facing the nation, any honest conversation with the people is going to require honesty and...
February 14 2024
Red alert! ADF unable to cope with increasingly likely conflict
Perhaps in unsurprising news, there is growing recognition that the nation and the Australian Defence Force are unprepared to face an increasingly likely conflict, in spite...
February 13 2024
Risk/Reward: Congressional Research Service report outlines opportunities of Aussie Virginia Class acquisition
A new report from the US Congressional Research Service has detailed the risk and reward opportunities associated with the Australian acquisition of Virginia Class submarines...
February 09 2024
Facing the perfect storm of a ‘new’ Axis and declining US
It is no secret that the world is changing and many would argue – not for the better. But increasingly, it is becoming apparent that it is now fast becoming the perfect...
February 08 2024
Capacity for escalation, proportionality critical to delivering credible deterrence, especially for Australia
Deterrence has been clearly identified as the central objective of the government’s Defence Strategic Review, with Australia’s future fleet of nuclear submarines...
February 07 2024
Israel’s invasion of Gaza evidence that qualitative overmatch simply isn’t enough
The abundance of cheap, yet sophisticated weaponry on the modern battlefield has eroded the ability for nations to win wars on qualitative overmatch alone. As amply evidenced...
February 05 2024
Recession or depression? Australia’s economic insecurity precedes national security
Many have long believed that Australia’s economy is unassailable – our three decades of unstopped economic growth to continue forever – now, however, the...
February 02 2024
Space race 2.0: New normal of subterfuge and satellite warfare in orbit
A silent military contest is unfolding in orbit above planet Earth as international powerhouses fight to develop and protect their own vital satellites.
February 01 2024
Calls for return of conscription raise question about what’s in it for younger Aussies
A cat has been set among the pigeons, with Curtin University academic Dr Alexey Muraviev calling for Australian policymakers to consider reinitiating conscription to defend...
January 31 2024
Australia needs higher aspirations in order to unite, survive and thrive
Australians have never been more disconnected from the future direction of the nation across every metric, whether it is cost of living, educational outcomes, job...
January 25 2024
If Europe is ‘ignoring the barbarian at the gates’, what are we doing?
Since the end of World War II, Europe has depended heavily on the United States for much of the heavy lifting of its security, resulting in what can broadly be considered a...
January 24 2024