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Confronting reality: Australia’s need for a larger surface fleet
January 23 2024
As an island continent, Australia can’t escape its intrinsic economic, political, strategic, and social connection to the ocean, yet as the Indo...
PM issues challenge, sets out vision for confronting decade of disruption, danger
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has “soft launched” his pitch to the Australian people surrounding his vision of the nation and how it will confront a decade of...
January 22 2024
Looking into the crystal ball and preparing for the other side of a Taiwan crisis
The Defence Strategic Review went a long way to articulating the long-term objectives and capability priorities of the Australian Defence Force in the era of great power...
January 19 2024
Wolf’s howl? Chinese diplomats return to ‘Wolf Warrior’ diplomacy
China’s ambassador to Australia, Xiao Qian, and his diplomatic team have shattered Prime Minister Albanese’s elated proclamations that the Australia-China...
January 18 2024
Out of the loop: Humanity quickens towards autonomous drones
Human intervention may have been quietly removed from the loop in the Ukraine war with the approved introduction of independently targeting, artificial intelligence-assisted...
January 17 2024
Undue influence? Does the ‘End of History’ still have too much say in our policy making?
When released in 1992, Francis Fukuyama’s “The End of History” championed the triumph of Western capitalist liberal democracy over global autarchy with the...
January 16 2024
Economic deterrence, flexibility, resilience at heart of new US defence industrial strategy
The Pentagon has released the United States’ first National Defense Industrial Strategy, seeking to reassert and re-establish the industrial dominance of the United...
January 15 2024
Assessing the true cost of a Taiwan conflict
There is no doubt that a potential conflict over the island democracy of Taiwan would undoubtedly have a high cost in terms of human life. But what about the economic costs...
January 12 2024
Inflection point 2024: The risks of WWIII and confronting global disorder
Only a couple of weeks into the new year and 2024 is well and truly picking up where 2023 left off, with mounting concerns about the new year shaping up to be an inflection...
January 11 2024
Ahead of schedule: Timing right for Chinese annexation of Taiwan
This year is shaping up as the most opportune time in recent memory for an attempted annexation of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China.
January 10 2024
Kick the tires, light the fires: Australia urgently needs economic reform to thrive
It is no secret Australia is now facing a period of protracted, stubborn economic turmoil directly impacted by events both at home and abroad. Responding to these challenges...
January 09 2024
Updated DDGX report reveals plans for ‘reduced’ US large surface combatant fleet
An updated report to Congress detailing the progress and planning of the US Navy’s next large surface combatant (LCS), the DDG(X), has revealed tentative plans for an...
January 05 2024
New Year kicks off with reinvigorated calls for a national security strategy
In an increasingly dangerous world, planning to face the challenges is as important as directly responding. With this in mind, once again we have to ask, is an Australian...
January 03 2024
A double standard? Emphasis on OPV weapons overlooks other undergunned vessels
The year 2023 was definitely a year of hammering a number of the Royal Australian Navy’s major recapitalisation programs, namely the Arafura and Hunter Class,...
January 02 2024
Elevating Australia’s defence and security: The strategic imperative in space and navigational warfare
Australia finds itself at a pivotal moment in history, where the rapid evolution of technology and the changing landscape of global security demand a recalibration of our...
December 22 2023
Looking ahead: Predictions for 2024
If 2023 is anything to go by, 2024 is shaping up to be a cracker, both at home and abroad. So what can we expect, and what are some of our predictions for the new year in...
December 21 2023
Missing in action? Lack of Aussie presence in Red Sea raises concerning questions
Opinion: Australia’s refusal to deploy a warship to support the multinational effort to secure global maritime trade corridors has rightfully raised a few eyebrows....
December 20 2023
2023 Year in Review: A global order in turmoil, a mixed bag for Australian defence
It has been a big year at home and abroad, with war still raging in eastern Europe and a new conflict bubbling away in the Middle East providing a glimpse into what the...
December 19 2023
Closing in on 2 years: What if Putin ‘wins’ in Ukraine?
There is no escaping that for both sides, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been costly, in terms of both blood and treasure. It has revealed the shattered, weakened state...
December 18 2023
US request for Middle East support reveals limits of superpower
While Australia, like many US allies, has actively provided military forces to help maintain stability in the Middle East, the most recent request from the United States for...
December 15 2023