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How likely is a direct military confrontation with China?
January 11 2022
Does China pose a genuine military threat to Australia or have “hawkish” observers exaggerated tensions? ...
Unmanned maritime vessels: Military gamechanger or expensive prototype?
Unmanned maritime vessels: Military gamechanger or expensive prototype?
Findings from the littoral combat ship (LCS) in the United States, a vessel that boasts a streamlined crew of 40 members, has demonstrated that reduced upkeep while at sea...
January 10 2022
Sweden launches Psychological Defence Agency, is it time for Australia to follow suit?
Sweden launches Psychological Defence Agency, is it time for Australia to follow suit?
Sweden this week launched the Psychological Defence Agency, aimed exclusively at identifying and combating foreign information campaigns. With the rise in exploitable...
January 07 2022
Xi, Putin laud Sino-Russian friendship in end of year conference – but will the love-in last?
Xi, Putin laud Sino-Russian friendship in end of year conference – but will the love-in last?
At a video conference in mid-December, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladmir Putin reiterated their common interests and reaffirmed the political...
January 06 2022
Deteriorating Croatian-Serbian relations, a flashpoint for NATO and Russia
Deteriorating Croatian-Serbian relations, a flashpoint for NATO and Russia
Major increases in Serbia’s military budget, supported by China and Russia, coupled with a war of words between the leaders of Croatia and Serbia have reignited the Balkans...
January 05 2022
Democratisation of technology in the era of great power competition
Democratisation of technology in the era of great power competition
From drones to cyber operations and clandestine SOF missions, how has the democratisation of technology shaped the contest for control in the era of great power competition?
January 04 2022
Strengthening ties: The value of enhancing a Philippine-Australia strategic partnership
Strengthening ties: The value of enhancing a Philippine-Australia strategic partnership
As the Commonwealth government embarked on one of Australia’s largest and most ambitious naval capability upgrades since Federation following the creation of the AUKUS...
December 24 2021
Latest on the Joint Air Battle Management System
Latest on the Joint Air Battle Management System
In August, the Department of Defence shortlisted Lockheed Martin Australia and Northrop Grumman Australia as finalists for the AIR 6500 Phase I project, aimed at delivering...
December 23 2021
Taiwan is not a ‘chess piece’, warns China
Taiwan is not a ‘chess piece’, warns China
In the past two years, Beijing has stepped up military and diplomatic pressure to assert its sovereignty claims over Taiwan, angering Taipei and causing deep concerns in...
December 22 2021
Exploring South Korea’s emergence as a key geostrategic ally
Exploring South Korea’s emergence as a key geostrategic ally
Canberra is well placed to deepen its partnership with Seoul as South Korea looks to bolster its contribution to regional security.
December 20 2021
Reciprocating Washington’s military commitment to Canberra
Reciprocating Washington’s military commitment to Canberra
Why Canberra must proactively lay the ground work for an expanded US presence in Australia.
December 17 2021
Analysing the timing of Defence’s Taipan decision
Analysing the timing of Defence’s Taipan decision
Why has the Commonwealth government suddenly decided to retire the Taipan fleet after years of well-documented trouble? 
December 15 2021
Responding to criticism of the nuclear subs delivery timeline
Responding to criticism of the nuclear subs delivery timeline
Navy veteran and defence industry analyst Christopher Skinner responds to a recent editorial published in The Australian, which laments the delivery timeline for...
December 14 2021
Looking beyond the Loyal Wingman
Looking beyond the Loyal Wingman
Why Australia must begin investigating long-range airpower capability beyond the Loyal Wingman program. 
December 10 2021
The decline of American naval superiority, the National Defense Authorization Act 2022 and the re-emergence of navalism
The decline of American naval superiority, the National Defense Authorization Act 2022 and the re-emergence of navalism
With an ageing fleet and quantitative disadvantage against potential adversaries, the US has ceded its long held naval superiority. Defence Connect analyses whether the...
December 09 2021
Lessons from Australia’s National Aircraft Pavement Maintenance Program
Lessons from Australia’s National Aircraft Pavement Maintenance Program
For more than a decade, Australia’s National Aircraft Pavement Maintenance (NAPM) Program has found increasingly efficient techniques for maintaining the average weighted...
December 08 2021
Is there a geopolitical undercurrent stirring tensions in the Solomon Islands?
Is there a geopolitical undercurrent stirring tensions in the Solomon Islands?
Is the Solomon Islands the latest among a swathe of Indo Pacific nations to fall victim to a broader geopolitical struggle in the region?
December 06 2021
China’s plan to ‘co-opt’ the internet
China’s plan to ‘co-opt’ the internet
The Chinese Communist Party is endeavouring to reshape norms of internet usage as part of its push for global cyber supremacy, according to a new report.
December 02 2021
Weighing up the options — Astute or Virginia Class?
Weighing up the options — Astute or Virginia Class?
Which nuclear-powered submarine capability would be best suited for the Royal Australian Navy?
November 30 2021
The Loyal Wingman in a league of its own
The Loyal Wingman in a league of its own
Australia’s Loyal Wingman, the country’s first domestically designed and built combat drone, has really taken off since it began as a concept just over a year ago with...
November 29 2021