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China’s ‘post-American’ naval ambitions
June 29 2022
Does China’s development of a next-generation aircraft carrier reflect ambitions to reshape Asia in its own image following a US decline? ...
Sanctions backfire, quite often
Sanctions backfire, quite often
The current round of sanctions imposed on Russia will facilitate an immense groundswell of Russian nationalism, prolonging the war in Ukraine and exacerbating the...
June 28 2022
China-Taiwan turbulence calls for steady hand
China-Taiwan turbulence calls for steady hand
How should the West respond to the increasingly precarious stand-off between Beijing and Taipei?
June 27 2022
Investigating Ukraine’s ‘National Resistance Center’
Investigating Ukraine’s ‘National Resistance Center’
Emblazoned with the tagline “Together we turn our enemies’ lives into hell!”, the educational website run by Ukraine’s special operations forces offers must-know tips...
June 23 2022
Curbing China’s inroads in the Middle East
Curbing China’s inroads in the Middle East
How can Washington counter Beijing’s growing influence in the Middle East without a pronounced military presence?
June 22 2022
Energy security is national security
Energy security is national security
As energy prices increase, so do the costs of maintaining and equipping a military.
June 21 2022
Build the Astute Class in Osborne and Barrow for fastest delivery
Build the Astute Class in Osborne and Barrow for fastest delivery
Opinion: Amid the cries for an evolved Collins to fill Australia’s submarine gap, and a potential yet unexpected offer of Virginias with US Navy crews, the most attractive...
June 20 2022
Australia’s urgent need to develop its defence industry
Australia’s urgent need to develop its defence industry
Opinion: So now the election has been won and lost, it is time for the Albanese government to get on with delivering on the agenda that was taken to the Australian public,...
June 17 2022
Could US ratification of UNCLOS deter Chinese aggression?
Could US ratification of UNCLOS deter Chinese aggression?
Would tensions in the South China Sea abate if Washington ceases its long-held resistance to signing the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea?
June 16 2022
Russia’s slowing invasion – is force structure to blame?
Russia’s slowing invasion – is force structure to blame?
Whether it was Russia’s slow advance (and speedy withdrawal) from Kiev, the loss of ground surrounding Kharkiv or the destruction of the Moskva cruiser – the recent...
June 15 2022
Why data will break through the next frontier of modern defence
Why data will break through the next frontier of modern defence
Anthony Read from IFS APJ & MEA explains why defence leaders must “embrace the next frontier of modern defence” by leveraging intelligent data. 
June 14 2022
Building a cyber bridge between Australia and Indonesia
Building a cyber bridge between Australia and Indonesia
How can Canberra and Jakarta advance efforts to bolster cyber security cooperation?
June 10 2022
Xi’s true face: A glimpse into a CCP-dominated Indo-Pacific
Xi’s true face: A glimpse into a CCP-dominated Indo-Pacific
Has the Chinese military’s recent projection of power in the region unmasked the Xi regime’s true ambitions?   
June 08 2022
Undersea autonomous capability; the trade-off between crewed and uncrewed
Undersea autonomous capability; the trade-off between crewed and uncrewed
Opinion: Former naval officer and defence industry analyst Chris Skinner refutes the notion that defence must choose between crewed or uncrewed vehicles.
June 07 2022
Professionalisation, coming at a cost
Professionalisation, coming at a cost
Under the British government’s force structure plan, Downing Street has resolved to reduce the size of the regular British Army by 9,500 soldiers to 72,500. Such a...
June 06 2022
The ‘transformative’ impacts of Australia’s nuclear subs program
The ‘transformative’ impacts of Australia’s nuclear subs program
Will Australia’s nuclear submarine procurement program fundamentally reshape the RAN’s identity?
June 03 2022
Preparing for urban operations
Preparing for urban operations
Without any significant combat experience since 1979, some analysts have cast doubt on the ability for the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to conduct large-scale...
June 02 2022
Overcoming resistance to action on North Korea
Overcoming resistance to action on North Korea
How can the United States and its allies bypass China and Russia’s veto power in the UN Security Council to ensure North Korea is held to account for its violations of...
June 01 2022
How the invasion of Ukraine will challenge humanitarian norms
How the invasion of Ukraine will challenge humanitarian norms
Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine has sparked debate among military experts on the future of the responsibility to protect principle, and how R2P can be misused by...
May 30 2022
Can an Albanese-Ardern alliance help check China’s Pacific push?
Can an Albanese-Ardern alliance help check China’s Pacific push?
Could Albanese’s election spark greater cross-Tasman collaboration in the Pacific? 
May 27 2022