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Defence needs to think more like a start-up
January 25 2023
Opinion: Last year has taught us that we cannot be complacent in funding our defence sectors — one need only look at the invasion of Ukraine to see ...
Invest in long-term defence, diversify supplies: US Army Chief of Staff
General James McConville, the US Army Chief of Staff has issued a warning for the US and Western allies responding to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, with broader relevance...
January 24 2023
Biggest fleet almost always wins: US naval expert
Retired US Navy Captain Sam Tangredi has issued a concerning warning for the US Navy and its allied partners: “In naval warfare, a smaller fleet of superior quality...
January 23 2023
Asking others to do the heavy lifting on our security is just plain wrong
Former diplomat David Livingstone has launched a scathing attack on the AUKUS submarine deal, calling for it to be scrapped, citing concerns over Australia’s national...
January 20 2023
Industry critical to allied naval interchangeability
While maximising interoperability and capability aggregation has long been identified as a key focus for the Australian and US militaries, interchangeability has now emerged...
January 19 2023
General-purpose frigates as a means of beefing up Australia’s maritime capabilities
With a growing recognition that Australia’s naval capabilities are underprepared and “under gunned” in light of a rapidly evolving regional threat...
January 18 2023
Renewed US calls for ‘whole-of-nation’ approach to national security
The era of unbridled hybrid warfare now sweeping across Europe and parts of the Indo-Pacific has seemingly left the West at a significant disadvantage when facing down peer...
January 16 2023
It is never too early to start planning for our next destroyers
AUKUS has opened the door for truly transformational collaboration and capability development for the three partners, so, should Australia partner with the US to develop a...
January 13 2023
Positioning for success: Avoiding a pyrrhic victory over Taiwan
What was once considered a given victory in Taiwan now appears to be a tighter, bloodier contest according to the CSIS, so how does the US and its allies avoid a pyrrhic...
January 12 2023
CSIS wargames reveal bloody nose ‘win’ for allies over Taiwan
A new wargame conducted by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies revealed a startling outcome for both sides in the event of an invasion of Taiwan. 
January 11 2023
New US study details plans to counter rising Chinese fleet power
In light of growing concern about the rising qualitative and quantitative capacity of the People’s Liberation Army Navy and the now well documented limitations of the US...
January 10 2023
Can we have ‘impactful projection’ without ‘impactful presence’?
While there is a growing emphasis on long-range strike as a form of impactful Australian projection in the region, are we overlooking the importance of an impactful...
January 09 2023
Asymmetric warfare as an antidote to Chinese aggression
Outsized and outgunned, Taiwan must turn to asymmetric warfare to maintain independence and raise the human cost of any invasion on the island.
January 06 2023
Is China really a revisionist power? Assessing Chinese participation in intergovernmental organisations
Is China a revisionist state, or is it working within international governance architectures such as the United Nations to maintain continued economic growth?
January 05 2023
Data is never going to become less valuable — Here’s how cyber criminals will evolve in 2023 to reach it
Opinion: 2022 has been one of the most consequential on record for the global cyber security sector. Mike Sentonas, chief technology officer at CrowdStrike, pens his...
January 04 2023
Learning from how the Big Australian considers its options
Opinion: As Australia looks forward to 2023, former naval officer and defence industry analyst Christopher Skinner examines how the business decisions of leading Australian...
January 03 2023
Let’s not cut Australian data off from the rest of the world
Opinion: If the recent cyber attacks and data breaches making the news in Australia have not given organisations across the country pause for thought to consider where and...
December 23 2022
Pentagon’s UFO office inundated with unexplained sightings
Ever wondered whether humans were alone in the universe? A new office at the US Pentagon has received hundreds of reports of unidentified flying objects since it was set up...
December 22 2022
Could China’s nuclear build-up leave the US behind?
What are the strategic implications of China’s accelerated production of nuclear weapons?
December 21 2022
The implications of Iranian arms sales to Russia
How will Tehran’s growing influence on the Russia-Ukraine conflict influence the outcome of the protracted struggle?
December 19 2022