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Australia, what is our strategic intent?
June 20 2023
Every nation is defined by the intent of its actions at home and abroad and Australia is no different, yet despite being over 120 years old and one of...
Prince of Wales Awards open for reserves and employers
Applications are now open for the 2024 Prince of Wales Awards to recognise outstanding contributions made by reservists and civilian employers to Defence capability.
June 19 2023
We can’t afford to remain passive in an active threat environment
For much of our national history, Australia has struggled with the idea of being an active participant in the world, defaulting instead to an attitude of passivity and...
June 19 2023
Pulling our weight and rallying the troops: Building Australia’s defence industrial base
The era of great power competition is well and truly upon us and more than this, the global order Australia depends on is under direct assault with no signs of slowing down....
June 16 2023
No need for a new ‘Arsenal for Democracy’, US expert says
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has revealed a number of startling truths, not least of which is the serious lack of broad-ranging capacity across the West’s defence...
June 15 2023
Conceptualising deterrence: An escalating problem
Opinion: In the Australian context, deterrence has evolved immensely since the end of the Second World War, and this evolution is set for another round of changes as the...
June 12 2023
Changing the way we view ourselves and the need for a grand national narrative
Australia has long had an awkward, uncomfortable relationship with itself, akin to a form of national dysmorphia which has hindered the way the nation views itself and its...
June 09 2023
Defence moves to boost women’s participation in STEM programs
Defence has announced its work towards implementing a 50 per cent target for women’s participation across key research and innovation career pathways to better leverage...
June 08 2023
DARPA developing medical response artificial intelligence
Algorithmic decision making could soon be integrated into challenging situations such as medical response prioritisation.
June 08 2023
Embracing the opportunities: The DSR, NRF and ambitious whole-of-nation planning
Two of the Albanese government’s central policy pillars: the Defence Strategic Review and National Reconstruction Fund, have been billed as major step changes in the...
June 08 2023
UK’s Barrow-in-Furness gives a glimpse of Australia’s future subs program
Opinion: While it’s a lovely town, Barrow-in-Furness shows that the assembly of nuclear submarines will not create a vibrant local economy outside the walls of the...
June 07 2023
Small ships, big effects
Opinion: The introduction of a fleet of missile-armed patrol boats to the Royal Australian Navy forms a lethal and agile component of the DSR’s strategy of deterrence,...
June 06 2023
Balancing speed and long-term manufacturing capability will give us the edge
One of the key lessons to come out of the Ukraine conflict is that when two “modern militaries” slug it out, it isn’t going to be a quick, “fire and...
June 05 2023
Is the focus on US-China ‘polarity’ blinding us to broader changes?
With much of the global and domestic attention focused heavily on the struggle for dominance and polarity between the United States and China, are we overlooking the emerging...
June 02 2023
Government recognition that larger fleet is needed, still leaves questions
With the government’s DSR identifying the need for a larger, more dispersed fleet to “complement” the long-range and deterrence-focused mission of...
June 01 2023
Defence industry professionals list most attractive primes for employment
Defence industry professionals have outlined their preferred primes for employment in Defence Connect’s inaugural Australian Defence Industry Report.
June 01 2023
KBR welcomes new lead for government solutions Asia-Pacific
KBR has announced that Nic Maan will take up the role of vice-president (VP) for its government solutions APAC business after its current VP, Rob Hawketts, took the decision...
May 31 2023
US is central to Australia’s strategic security, but what if they’re not available?
Since the Battle of the Coral Sea, the US has been the foundation of Australia’s defence posture, providing, as former defence minister Kim Beazley states, the...
May 31 2023
Quarter of defence industry workforce ‘quietly’ seeking new role
The inaugural Defence Connect Australian Defence Industry Report has revealed that nearly a quarter of employees are now “quietly” seeking new employment...
May 31 2023
Kissinger on coexistence, Taiwan and the future of US-China relations
Many pray that the great power competition simmering away between the United States and China doesn’t boil over into open conflict, for contentious former secretary of...
May 30 2023